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For Seven Nights Only

For Seven Nights Only - Sarah Ballance I loved it! It is funny and interesting book, with lots of laugh-out-loud scenes and some very hot & romantic ones. In my opinion that is the best combination in any book. Kelsie and Sawyer are adorable and all other characters are also likable. I enjoyed it and find it an engaging book from the very beginning until the end.

Sawyer doesn't do relationship. He has never been to a third date. There is only one think he wants from women and as soon a she gets it they're history. But then he meets Kelsie, she is a woman who doesn't know her own charms. She is clueless about her beauty. And currently she is in a bind. So when Sawyer suggests that she gets his help in finding a date she agrees.

Kelsie knows it's not a good idea. Sawyer is extremely good looking and she is not his type at all. What can he possibly find attractive in her when he has a new girl every other day. But what she doesn't know is that her being not interested in him is enough to get him interested in her. Soon they both start wanting things they can't have. Or maybe fate has something else in store for them...