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Immortal Creators

Immortal Creators - Jill Bowers 4.5 Stars
I really enjoyed this second installment in "Immortal Writers" series. I think that this book is every reader's dream fantasy. I had previously read and loved book one, book two just as interesting. It's a world where our favorite authors are immortal and their characters also come to life. The only problem is that villains can also come to life. So it's not a very safe world and authors have an obligation to protect people. It's not a task that can be taken lightly and newly immortalized young writer Scott is going to face a difficult situation. He must stop the aliens attacking Earth with the help of his characters. However, he might not be up to the task, he is willing to try his best though.
I think that this sequel has done a good job of continuing the fantasy that was created in book one. I enjoyed every minute of it and would recommend to all fantasy fans. The book has it all, i.e. likable characters, great plot, and well-written story. Honestly, I couldn't get enough of it.
P.S. I received a complimentary copy of this book via NetGalley.